$ whoami

Hi there, I’m Gaurav! 👋 https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=gauravgahlot

A Software Engineer from India 🇮🇳. A life long learner, passionate about technology and a buddying YouTuber.

I enjoy building and maintaining software, technical communities, and content. I’m a CNCF Speaker and a non-exhaustive list of my talks can be found here. I share about my work, and learning on my blog gauravgahlot.in and YouTube channel.

🌱 Creator of:

🔭 Maintainer/contributor to:

  • Tinkerbell (CNCF Sandbox) - a bare metal provisioning engine
  • Fission - a K8s native servless framework
  • Falcosidekick - connects Falco to your ecosystem

If you like what I do; support my work and buy me a coffee ☕.

When I’m not coding, I like to go out for a ride on my bicycle or play badminton. I also like to stay home and play guitar singing along my favorite songs.

🏆 Recognition

  • Docker Community Leader (Pune, India)
  • DZone Most Valuable Blogger (MVB)
  • C# Corner MVP

💬 If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please drop a comment below.